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 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye

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MessageSujet: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeLun 8 Déc 2014 - 23:45

Colt Dante Burrows
Carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done
NOM : Burrows. PRÉNOMS : Colt, Dante. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE : 11 novembre 1979, Salina (Kansas). ÂGE : 35 ans. ORIGINES : Américaine. NATIONALITÉ : Américaine. STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire endurci. MÉTIER : Ancien militaire, devenu inspecteur de police. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : Bisexuelle. TRAITS DE CARACTÈRE : Impulsif, joyeux, rancunier, amusant, susceptible, généreux, autoritaire, combattant, sportif, jaloux, très possessif, violent, cruel et sans pitié, vengeur, protecteur, observateur, nostalgique, bagarreur. AVATAR : Chris Evans. CRÉDITS : Chandelier.


nothing left to say
001. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 002. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 003. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 004. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 005. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 006. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 007. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 008. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 009. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage. 010. tic, manie, truc à savoir sur ton personnage.

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mimi jolie - Emilie - vieille

PAYS : France. DISPONIBILITÉ : 2 fois par semaine, pas le week-end.VOTRE AVIS SUR TH :  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3589615265  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3163460199  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2497508888  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 115991268  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2976688543  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 292007208  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 1030106593  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3167136188  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3890427017  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 4051910872 . COMMENT AVEZ VOUS CONNU LE FORUM : Bazzart. PERSONNAGE : Scénario de sexy Johan Lachlan VOYEZ VOUS DES CHOSES A AMÉLIORER ? : Nop. UN DERNIER MOT ? : amour, cookies et nutella  Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 320633429

Dernière édition par Colt Burrows le Mar 9 Déc 2014 - 0:14, édité 4 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeLun 8 Déc 2014 - 23:45

we're all stories in the end
just make it a good one
Ecrire ici l'histoire de votre personnage, dans un minimum de trente lignes. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam feugiat, odio eget lobortis iaculis, turpis nunc molestie lacus, sit amet molestie velit tellus a tortor. Nullam vulputate dui nec ante fringilla sit amet ultricies magna cursus. In purus eros, imperdiet sit amet varius vitae, iaculis at orci. Suspendisse rutrum rutrum urna eget pharetra. Fusce mattis faucibus lectus a ullamcorper. Integer eget nibh eget nibh semper tristique nec sed mauris. Curabitur placerat, justo interdum facilisis convallis, erat ante ultrices lorem, nec commodo mi nibh id sapien. Morbi enim orci, eleifend eget vehicula sit amet, imperdiet non libero. Praesent malesuada eleifend erat eu bibendum. Maecenas risus ante, tristique ac viverra id, ornare at turpis.

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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeLun 8 Déc 2014 - 23:52

Bienvenue sur le forum Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2976688543 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3167136188 et encore merci d'avoir pris mon petit Colt I love you Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3890427017 pour la peine t'as le droit à une cascade de smileys I love you Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 4170729518 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 243543726 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2922054708 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2765873474 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3770803369 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3857353790 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 996374593 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3589615265 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 4178655748 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 422354165 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3163460199 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2497508888 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2636227509 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3107078471 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 359046985 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 115991268 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2976688543 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 292007208 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 937015410 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3167136188 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3890427017 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2528048821 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2558279357 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 244575618 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3143938459 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 1838896285 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 921491218 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 4051910872 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 457556871 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 1734149047 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2423618996 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2947079949 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 520337459
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Faith Cunningham
Faith Cunningham

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MESSAGES : 17676
SUR TH DEPUIS : 26/04/2014
MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 7:30

Oh le scénario de JOJO Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 243543726 Bienvenue et courage pour la suite de ta fichette ! Superbe choix
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Calista Wolstenholme
Calista Wolstenholme

ADMIN - master of evolution
MESSAGES : 14639
SUR TH DEPUIS : 26/04/2014
MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 10:49

Bienvenue Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 921491218 Bon courage pour ta fiche, si tu as des questions, n'hésite pas Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2922054708
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Mikael Hartman
Mikael Hartman

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SUR TH DEPUIS : 08/05/2014
MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 13:34

Merci de prendre un scéna!!
ça fait toujours plaisiiir!!
Il nous faudra un lien!!
Non en fait je VEUX un lien!!!
Je t'attendrais!
Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 996374593
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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 15:31

Excellent choix de scénario.
Je comprends maintenant pourquoi Jojo a enfilé son kit de bougeur de fesses Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2765873474

Bienvenue parmi nous et courage pour ta fiche =)
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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 15:44

pour information, j'avais changé juste avant que Colt n'arrive Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3460047885 mais ça dû le faire venir donc j'ai bien fait Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3991503307
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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 17:25

Bienvenue parmi nous, courage pour cette fiche Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 921491218Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 243543726 Très bon choix de scénario Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 4170729518
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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 17:26

Bienvenue ! Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3770803369
Owi j'approuve, excellent choix de scénario Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 4170729518 En plus on profite tous (et toutes) des gifs de Johan comme ça Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2765873474
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Octavia Lovecraft
Octavia Lovecraft

MEMBER - join the evolution.
SUR TH DEPUIS : 11/10/2014
MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMar 9 Déc 2014 - 17:56

Meredith Quinn a écrit:
Bienvenue ! Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3770803369
Owi j'approuve, excellent choix de scénario Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 4170729518 En plus on profite tous (et toutes) des gifs de Johan comme ça Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 2765873474

+ 1 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3107078471

Bienvenue par ici avec ce super choix de scéna ! Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 937015410
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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMer 10 Déc 2014 - 2:38

très bon choix de scénario Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 921491218 Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 921491218
bienvenue parmi nous, si tu as des questions n'hésite pas I love you
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Lorcan Wolstenholme
Lorcan Wolstenholme

ADMIN - master of evolution
SUR TH DEPUIS : 25/04/2014
MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitimeMer 17 Déc 2014 - 21:11

Pourrait-on avoir des nouvelles de ta fiche s'il te plaît ? Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye 3013803170 Tu peux demander un délai si tu le souhaites, sinon ton compte sera supprimé sous peu.
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MessageSujet: Re: Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye   Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye Icon_minitime

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Colt Burrows ♦ Hell is the hate that glows in your eye

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